Friday, December 11, 2009

[Federation Council] SD240912.11 - "Elections" - Councilor Aniri of Andoria & Councilor T'Pal of Vulcan

Thomas Sahm <> wrote to

[Earth, Paris, Federation Council Press Room]

�Greetings everyone! This is Hadrin Saladin of the Federation News
Network. We are currently live in the press room of the Federation Council
for a very important announcement. It is expected that at any moment senior
members of the Federation Council will officially announce that the council
will begin accepting member nominations for Federation President. The last
election was four years ago when Stan Carter won the presidency, however,
the intervening period has truly been a trial for the Federation. As
everyone knows President Stan Carter along with a third of the Federation
Council was murdered by the destruction of Utopia Plan-� A flurry of
whispering erupted in the press pit. Several people were pushing and
shoving as the side doors that led to the stage up front opened. Several
people filed out including an Andorian woman dressed in a white dress. Next
to her the placid visage of an aged Vulcan woman wearing traditional Vulcan
clothing was walking in lock step. �That is Andorian Councilor Iyaru Aniri,
she is currently chairwoman of the Federation Security Council. Some of our
viewers may be familiar with the recent inquiries by the Security Council
into the breaches that allowed the disaster at Utopia Planitia. Next to her
is Vulcan Councilor T�Pal, a rising star in the ranks of the Council. She
was appointed in 2407 to replace T�Seli and has recently been appointed to
head the Federation Judiciary Council. Let�s hear what they have to say.�

A Bolian male stepped forward and clapped his hands together repeatedly �can
I get some silence please?� Slowly the throng of reporters reduced
themselves to quiet whispers. �Thank You. As you are all aware the
election is fast approaching. Councilors Aniri and T�Pal are here to
announce the opening of nominations and will answer any questions you all
have.� He turned his head and nodded before taking a step back. He was
replaced by Aniri.

�Thank you mister Pazar.� Aniri smiled brightly at the crowd of reporters
�I am sure you are all aware of the process but I will outline it and the
expected timeline. For the next week the council will accept potential
nominations, peruse them, and announce all viable candidates. Two weeks
from the date of the announcement the election will occur. Now,

�Iyaru! Gordon Livette, Tyco City Times. I�m curious. Have you any
knowledge of President Catherine Bedford intentions to run? Recent polls
suggest that the president�s approval rating is at a historic low and with
the borg crisis and continuing catastrophe of ballooning piracy along the
border planets it is believe by some that the President will forgo
attempting to win a second term.�

�Mister Livette how nice to see you, but, you of all people should know that
Andorians are not mind readers. I have not been made aware of any of the
President�s intentions nor am I the person to comment on them. Next?�

�Councilor Aniri, Brek Nil of the Trill Seeker. Some people have lamented
about the timing of the current election. The Federation just finished a
long and difficult war against the Second Dominion one year ago and with the
recent borg incursion many have wondered if now is the best time to change
leadership. What would you say to those people as a representative of the

�Interesting question.� Iyaru�s smile became slightly more rigid �the
Federation is a democracy. No matter how difficult the time is its
principles must be upheld. The people of the Federation deserve to have
their voices heard, especially in these difficult times.� Iyaru turned her
head to look at T�Pal �as everyone is aware the Federation Judiciary Council
is primarily responsible for vetting nominations. I will now give the floor
to my counterpart, Councilor T�Pal of Vulcan. Who will explain that

After a brief, nearly indiscernible nod towards her esteemed colleague, the
stately Vulcan moved up to the podium, long and heavy robes flowing
elegantly about her tall figure.
Calm, sapphire eyes in a face that had once been like polished marble and
even now barely hinted at the woman�s true age by the mere shadow of lines,
wandered over the assembled journalists.
When T�Pal spoke, it was in her usual pleasant and level mezzo-soprano.

�There is no one criteria which will set apart the successfully submitted
petition from the unsuccessful one.� the silver haired lady with the
elaborate hairstyle of a Vulcan matriarch began, as usual not bothering with
illogical preliminaries.
�It is for this very reason that nominations are brought forth anonymously,
that the council may review them without prejudice, and without the need to
follow established parameters. As my esteemed colleague has correctly
pointed out, the Federation is a Democracy and as such must grant every
voice an opportunity to be heard.�
She paused for another glance at the upturned faces, noticing a furiously
scribbling humanoid. Paper? How interesting.
�It falls to the Judiciary council to uphold the necessary measure of
impartiality, and to observe closely that not one candidate may be deemed
unsuitable on grounds of wishing to favor the more experienced, the most
popular, or other criteria which may not guarantee that the candidate is
indeed the best suited for the office of President.�

The frantically waving Trill got no stronger reaction than a fractionally
inclined head, but he took it as a cue to pose his question. �So you�re
saying, madam, that any farmer from the outbacks of Federation Space can run
for office and you�ll consider him with the same seriousness as a seasoned
council veteran? I find that a bit difficult to believe.�

�And yet it is so.� T�Pal�s perfectly measured Federation Standard
nonetheless held just the smallest melody of the fluid, lilting language of
her home, adding a measure of ceremony to nearly everything she said.
�It is the spirit of the law which must be upheld with the same vigilance as
it�s letters. Equality cannot mean equality among certain groups. It must be
among all, or it becomes meaningless. To disregard the farmer of your
example in favor of the councilor would not only be violating the law, it
would be illogical. The farmer may not know how to negotiate an agreement
between nations, but she may know how to negotiate the much more pressing
matter of sharing information with others regarding healthy crops, and may
well know the value of standing with one�s unfortunate peer who has suffered
a disappointing harvest.�

Another long, calm gaze across the room and T�Pal nodded. It was her
preference if no further questions were raised. It meant her explanation had
�The process is such that the council weighs every candidate on base of
merit and the consideration whether the individual will be able to not only
fill the position, but establish oneself as an effective leader. Once the
most suitable applications are selected, the council may veto any of those,
or question any rejection and present their case for doing so. Only once
every application has been approved, will the final list of candidates be

There were no more questions, although there definitely were hopeful glances
in the Andorian�s direction. Raising her hand in salute, T�Pal acknowledged
that they were satisfied thus far, and relinquished her place at the podium
with the same swift grace with which she had claimed it.

Iyaru gave her counterpart an envious look. If she could only be so swift
towards the media! She nodded to the Bolian who took over the podium as the
two Councilors departed through the same side entrance they had entered.
The reporters frantically shouted questions at them but they were succinctly
ignored. The Bolian raised both his hands �please everyone- some order in

�Well there you have it everyone.� The camera refocused on Hadrin �as you
heard from Iyaru Aniri and T�Pal, the elections will be underway next week
with announcement of the candidates. We already have a preliminary list of
contenders. It is widely believe that Catherine Bedford will run for
reelection, sources inside her cabinet have confirmed to us that is her
intention. Her opponents will likely be Velim Kaznali, current Councilor
from Zakdorn. He has made it little secret that he intends to run for
president this election. President Ahel Barat of Bolias, he has also made
it public that he intends to run. Another potential candidate is Alazera
Prim of Trill but she has made no official announcement and her staff
members are being tight lipped.�

�Those are the most likely candidates Hal, but are there others?� One the
senior FNN reporters asked Hadrin.

�Yes there are, they are some dark horses though. Some names in Starfleet
have been branded about such as Morgana Kanryth who�s currently on a
farewell tour of the Alphosa Sector. It has been widely reported that she
intends to retire this year. Another one is Admiral Cerywyn on Starbase
Versailles- some have mentioned her name but as far as we can tell from our
sources in Starfleet the Admiral has little interest in the election.
Harold Malone has also been mentioned but his close proximity to President
Bedford makes that an unlikely possibility.�

�Thank you for your report Hadrin. In other news there has been recent
unrest in the-�

[Transmission Ended]

Iyaru Aniri [NPC]
Federation Councilor

T�Pal [NPC]
Federation Councilor

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