Saturday, December 12, 2009

[Federation Council] SD240912.12 - Joint Log - Admiral (ret) Kanryth & Governor Harkness

Thomas Sahm <> wrote to

[Alphosian Congressional Building]

Harkness stood at the head of the congressional auditorium. Twelve hours
had passed since he last spoke to Kanryth and now the Admiral was standing
next to him. A large Federation flag was symbolically draped across the
curtains behind them along with the Alphosian flag which sat on a flag stand
next to the group. Harkness took the podium wearing a bright smile that fit
well with his confident demeanor. Representatives from four of the other
planets in the sector had also arrived to join them for the announcement,
the others were busy with local matters. The group of six stood together
and gazed at the Alphosian congress now filled with both officials and
dozens of reporters from several corners of the Federation.

�This,� he started bringing the cacophony of competing sounds to a
standstill, �is truly a momentous occasion. For years many of us wondered
if we would ever be free from the Tyranny of the Klingon Empire. We
wondered if anyone actually cared or remembered us. We felt forgotten and
abandoned- however one person kept hope alive. One person rescued us from
our darkest days. That one person is Admiral Morgana Kanryth who stands
next to me today.�

�It is this reason why we feel that there is only one true candidate for the
Presidency. Three hours ago Alphosia�s representative to the council
submitted a nomination for Presidency. The name on that nomination was
Morgana Kanryth� the crowd roared and Harkness had to lift his hands to
settle them �the Federation needs a new direction and this new direction
will require a strong leadership. Our darkest days have passed but the days
before us are obscured by the veil of the unknown. Many have died in the
recent conflicts, many others have been displaced. I believe that Morgana
Kanryth is the person, with all my heart, that will return the Federation to
prosperity!� The crowd roared as Harkness stepped back and allowed Kanryth
to seize the podium.

Stepping up smartly to the podium Kanryth cut a fine, if slightly
diminutive, form in her full dress uniform. She cast her eyes across the
auditorium in a slow, sweeping look that allowed her to move the assembly to
quiet without having to outwardly ask for it. As the noise dampened down to
the occasional soft murmur she stepped out from behind the podium to
directly face her audience.

"Before I came here today," she began quietly, "I spent some time visiting
sites across the planet. Parks, stadiums, businesses, schools, and the homes
of a few Alphosan citizens most affected by the six years of Klingon
occupation. During that time I saw something that has become a rarity within
the United Federation of Planets."

She paced slowly around the stage in front of the planetary governors,
making eye contact with reporters and officials amongst the crowd as she
moved. "That thing I saw was hope, hope for the future. Since the day of the
Klingon withdrawal two years ago every citizen of this sector has lived safe
in the knowledge that with a little effort tomorrow will be a better day."

The retired Admiral paused for a brief moment to add emphasis to her next
words. "The spirit that lives within the heart of every Alphosian is
something that most Federation citizens have not felt for a long time. Our
civilization has faced more wars, more destruction and devastation in the
past ten years than was faced in the preceding hundred years."

Silence had enveloped the auditorium, not even the reporters wanted to risk
interrupting Kanryth with a whisper into their mic. All eyes were focused on
the woman who had liberated their planets from Klingon occupation as she
stepped down off the left side of stage and into the crowd.

"You were forgotten," she said sharply to one reporter. "The Federation was
viciously attacked by a Klingon Romulan alliance and your worlds were
offered up as the price of peace. Not once during the five years after the
war did the Federation Council approach the Klingon Empire to attempt to end
the occupation."

The Admiral let the words sink in before moving to the next reporter,
locking his gaze with hers. "Five Federation worlds remain under Romulan
control, forgotten. Not once during the last seven years has the Federation
Council approached the Romulan government regarding this situation."

"The recent peace treaty signed between the Federation and the Dominion
Breen alliance makes specific provision for Dominion and Breen ships to
traverse our territory to facilitate communication," Kanryth said in a
mildly disapproving tone as she moved in front of the third reporter. "No
war reparations are to be made to the Federation, and not only do we permit
two hostile governments to continue in their alliance but we actually
facilitate it!"

As she moved across to the next reporter the atmosphere in the auditorium
was visibly tenser. "Pirates plague our borders and shipping lines, running
unchecked by a Starfleet that is drawn too thin due to losses incurred in
the numerous conflicts our Federation is drawn into each year."

"Utopia Planitia destroyed, severely crippling our ability to service our
fleet and build new ships," Kanryth continued as she moved in front of the
last reporter between her and the steps to the right hand side of the stage.
Murmurs rippled through the audience as she turned her back on the crowd and
stepped back up to the stage.

The former Admiral turned to face the crowd once more, again choosing not to
hide behind the podium. "So I ask you, is it any wonder that the Federation
is no longer able to look forward to tomorrow when we cannot address the
mistakes of our past, and cannot deal with the problems we face today?" She
stepped closer to the front of the stage.

"I spent some time debating whether to wear my uniform today. While some may
call it inappropriate, this uniform is a vital part of my character. I've
been a Starfleet officer for most of my adult life, and no matter where my
future should take me I will never forget the time I spent wearing this
uniform." Moving up and down the front of the stage, the new Presidential
candidate continued her speech.

"I've never forgotten the people of Alphosa," she said with force. "I will
not forget our fellow citizens who today still live under Romulan rule. I've
not forgotten the behaviour of the Dominion towards our Federation." She
paused, moving back towards the center of the stage. "I've not forgotten
that the United Federation of Planets stands for diversity, freedom, and the
hope of a better tomorrow for everyone. In that same spirit of hope, I ask
that you support me as the next Federation President."

A measurable pause descended across the auditorium as Kanryth stepped to a
position beside the podium and turned to face the media crews. "I'll now
take questions," she said in the knowledge that some if not all of the
assembled reporters would be looking for the scent of blood.

�Hello Admiral, Dave Whitmore, Earth Free Press. If you were elected what
would be your first act as President?�

"That's an interesting question Dave," Kanryth replied. "Please understand
that my answer is contingent on there being no significant events between
today and the Presidetial inauguration. Should I be elected President, my
first official act would be to put in place measures to combat piracy along
our shipping lines and borders, thus safeguarding our economy and the rights
of our citizens to safe transport within the borders of the Federation. I
admit that this will not be an overnight fix, which is why I feel it is an
issue that should be tackled as early in my Presidency as possible."

�Yok Tohl, Tellarite Times. Admiral Kanryth. I find, and I�m sure many
fellow citizens find your comments quite concerning. The Romulans are
currently allied with the Federation. How would you propose getting these
planets back? Go to war with them?�

"I'm quite disappointed that you would leap to such a conclusion," Kanryth
replied in a sincere tone. "Many people assumed that the Klingon Empire
would not withdraw from Alphosa unless the Federation took military action.
In the end however it was a direct dialogue between myself and the Klingon
High Chancellor that resolved the issue, and this is the route I would
prefer to pursue with the Romulan leadership."

�Admiral, Keelin Veer of the Bajoran Prophet. I must say, that is a lot of
rhetoric. How much do you actually expect to accomplish?�

Kanryth smiled slightly at the middle aged Bajoran. "Mister Keelin, do not
mistake my determination for fleeting words. The failing of many a
politician is falling into a trap where they have made so many empty
promises that they spend all of their time explaining their lack of action
or lack of results instead of actually doing the job they were elected to

The Admiral stepped closer to the edge of the stage, looking the Bajoran
square in the eye. "I'm not promising that I will achieve every goal I set
for my government. What I am promising is that the goals I set will be
chosen according to what is important to the Federation and its people, not
by what is convenient to my administration. We will pursue those goals with
all of the determination we can muster, and stand to public scrutiny should
we fail. The only promise I make to you today is that as President I will
not fail on any goal through inaction, procrastination, or evasion."

�One last question Admiral, Ulan Toren, Centauri Magazine, it has been
reported that Velim Kaznali of Zakdorn and Ahel Borat of Bolias are planning
to run also. Why would you be a better President than either of them?�

Kanryth mused the question for a brief second before replying. "The simple
fact is, Mr Toren, I have one advantage they do not. My fellow candidates
are doubtless up to speed on the issues that face our Federation, but
whereas their knowledge comes from research and reports mine is tempered by
hands on experience. My career has taken me to all corners of the
Federation, i've seen the troubles faced by our people, not just read about
them. I have direct experience solving real world problems faced by our
people, and right now I think the Federation needs a leader with that kind
of practical knowledge."

�Okay, that�s enough questions for today.� Harkness stepped forward and
looked at Kanryth �as the governor of Alphosia I will reiterate how much of
an honor it is to have Morgana Kanryth be our nominee for president.� He
gently placed his hand on her back and guided her down the stage steps
towards the back room �now is when the fun begins for you Admiral.�


Admiral (ret) Morgana Kanryth


Governor Harkness

Friday, December 11, 2009

[Federation Council] Joint Log: Admiral Morgana Kanryth & Governor Adrian Harkness SD 240912.12

"James" <> wrote to

=== Government House, Alphosa 4 ===

Admiral Morgana Kanryth looked around in approval as she was led through the
entrance hall to the Governors residence. The decor was not what anyone would
call exquisite, but it was a definite improvement on what the residence had
looked like two years ago during her last visit. At that time the Klingon
occupation had just ended, this very building having been left derelict for
the duration of the five year occupation. The Klingon overseer had preferred
to live onboard the orbiting Starbase rather than live among his new human

As commander of starbase Versailles, it was Morgana Kanryth who had negotiated
the return of the entire sector to Federation control. It was part of a
promise that she made to herself when she first assumed command, that she
would repatriate all Federation worlds lingering under Klingon and Romulan
control after the disastrous war of 2402. Much to her disappointment, she had
never been able to make any real progress on the Romulan front before her tour
of duty ended.

Her thoughts snapped back to the present as the assistant escorting her pushed
open the doors to the Governors office. "Admiral Kanryth, Governor Harkness,"
he introduced with a flourish of his wrist, inviting the Admiral to step into
the spacious office.

Kanryth moved inside the office as the Governor came around the desk to meet
her. "Governor, it's good to see you again," she said as they shook hands.
"The rebuilding efforts are much farther ahead that i'd have thought

�It�s been hard Admiral, but thanks� to you its possible.� Harkness smiled
and shook the Admiral�s hand firmly. He respected this woman �I was surprised
to hear about your pending retirement. I thought you would stay in Starfleet
for a long time. It�s a bit disappointing to hear to be honest.�

A wry smile flashed across Kanryths lips. "Once you accept certain positions
in Starfleet, or reach a certain rank, your career is deemed terminal. You
have to make way for younger officers to move up the chain. I admit that I
will miss the uniform, but it's time for me to move on."

Harkness�s head bobbed in understanding �well I am glad you decided to visit
us one last time before you turn in your uniform. You�ll get a hero�s welcome
here. Everyone was surprised, excitedly so, that you decided to visit. So
how have you been? How is your family? We�ve been so busy here, especially
with the recent war that I�ve not really had time to watch the news nets.� He
led her towards a back meeting room with lower officials scurrying to and

The Admiral followed Harkness, glancing around at the activity. "It seemed
fitting," she said with a pause. "To be honest I�ve been avoiding a visit, the
successes here in Alphosa only put our failures with the Romulan occupied
colonies into sharper focus. Plus I never was one for the spotlight," she

�The Romulans.� Harkness shook his head �never know what they�re thinking.�
He led her into the room; the main conference table had been replaced by two
large chairs. He gestured for the admiral to sit down and took his seat
across from her. Government workers stormed in with several refreshment
trays. Outside of the other entrance a throng of media could be heard
chattering away. �So, is this only a farewell tour Admiral?�

"Actually that depends on you Governor Harkness," Kanryth said as she sat
down. "I can retire content, if needs be, but at the same time I hate
unfinished business. I can't say I have faith in the upper leadership of the
Federation as of late, I feel it's time for a change." She let the sentence
hang in the air, intending to gauge the Governors reaction before making her

�Time for a change?� Harkness leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin
�the election�� He paused for a long minute �are you saying you want to run
for President?�

"That's exactly what I�m proposing; however as an outsider to the political
arena I would need a strong nomination. If I was nominated as Alphosa's
preferred candidate, and had the backing of the other six planets in this
sector, I might stand a chance." It was a long shot, but if Kanryth was good
at one thing it was sensing weakness. The Bedford administration was on its
way out, and there was no other strong candidate in the arena.

�I see.� Harkness nervously fidgeted with his sleeve �please wait a moment
Admiral.� Standing up he made his way out of the conference room via a side
door. In his absence several stewards waited on the Admiral offering her
refreshments. Harkness returned about fifteen minutes later with a wide grin
blazing its way across his face. Plopping into the chair he leaned forward
towards Kanryth �I spoke to Councilor Malidora Suh- we discussed the
implications of such a nomination. We had no intention of recommending a
candidate but would be truly honored to support you as president. Malidora
will submit your name to the council today as the official nominee of Alphosia
for President.�

Kanryth set down the cup of coffee she had accepted from one of the stewards
and nodded slowly. She had half expected the answer to be a very polite 'no'.
"Thank you, Governor, for my part I am honoured to have your support."

The Alphosa nomination was a hefty one within the Federation, unless the
people chose to vote against their Governors choice it carried with it the
backing of seven member worlds. That Governor Harkness had agreed to her
request so quickly could only indicate that he was not even remotely worried
about the population being unhappy with his choice.

Such a sudden nomination did carry with it some difficulties however. "If you
could hold the announcement off until this evening I would appreciate it. I'll
need to contact Starfleet and have them advance my retirement date to today,
it would be unseemly for an active duty Admiral to announce a political
candidacy," she added. The request itself would come as no surprise to
Starfleet, she had already informed them that she might wish to move her
retirement forward by several weeks and received assurances it would not be a

�That will be no problem Admiral but�� Harkness paused and studied her
�running for the presidency isn�t like scooping fish from a pond. You�ll need
a good campaign and good endorsements. I have very intelligent people on my
staff that can help you but while I would love to believe my name has some
clout beyond the sector- I am just another fish in this great big pond called
the United Federation of Planets.�

Kanryth smiled at that. "Governor, we're all 'just another fish' in that
particular pond. I've put out some feelers, I know the public have no good
will remaining for the current administration. By association that will make
it extremely difficult for any of President Bedfords cabinet members to run
for office. It's a wide open field right now, and with your help I�m confident
our campaign will carry the day."

Harkness smiled and nodded his head. Reaching out he grabbed her hand cupping
it between his �and for my own benefit.� A wink at the doorman caused the
doors to be parted and a rush of reporters to flood in �it has been a great
privilege to meet with you today Admiral. The people of Alphosia can never
thank you enough for freeing us from the oppression of Klingon occupation.�

"You're welcome Governor Harkness. Since the end of the 2402 war the
Federation Council failed to repatriate a single Alphosan. I could hardly
stand by and allow that situation to continue," Kanryth said after a momentary
pause. Beneath the surface she was angry that the Governor had played such a
cheap trick on her, especially when she would have happily provided a press
conference if asked, externally however she maintained her composure. One
didn't reach the upper echelons of Starfleet Command without being able to
deal with a surprise.

�Thank you for your visit Admiral.� Harkness casually released his grip from
the Admiral�s cold thin fingers. He stood up, gave her a parting nod, and
left the room followed by the throng of reporters who were assaulting him with
a variety of questions. A young woman approached the Admiral �I hope you
enjoyed your visit ma�am. Your hover car is waiting- I can see you to it if
you�d like?�

Kanryth watched the reporters trailing after the Governor for a moment,
realising the fact that the media was about to become a regular presence in
her life. For better or worse, she didn't know yet. She shook her head
slightly and then nodded at the young woman. "Lead the way," she instructed.
Time to beat a hasty retreat before one of the reporters decided to peel off
and come after her. There would be plenty of time for that later.


Admiral Morgana Kanryth
Starfleet Command

Governor Adrian Harkness
Federation Council Member
Alphosa Sector
APB Thomas

[Federation Council] SD240912.11 - "Elections" - Councilor Aniri of Andoria & Councilor T'Pal of Vulcan

Thomas Sahm <> wrote to

[Earth, Paris, Federation Council Press Room]

�Greetings everyone! This is Hadrin Saladin of the Federation News
Network. We are currently live in the press room of the Federation Council
for a very important announcement. It is expected that at any moment senior
members of the Federation Council will officially announce that the council
will begin accepting member nominations for Federation President. The last
election was four years ago when Stan Carter won the presidency, however,
the intervening period has truly been a trial for the Federation. As
everyone knows President Stan Carter along with a third of the Federation
Council was murdered by the destruction of Utopia Plan-� A flurry of
whispering erupted in the press pit. Several people were pushing and
shoving as the side doors that led to the stage up front opened. Several
people filed out including an Andorian woman dressed in a white dress. Next
to her the placid visage of an aged Vulcan woman wearing traditional Vulcan
clothing was walking in lock step. �That is Andorian Councilor Iyaru Aniri,
she is currently chairwoman of the Federation Security Council. Some of our
viewers may be familiar with the recent inquiries by the Security Council
into the breaches that allowed the disaster at Utopia Planitia. Next to her
is Vulcan Councilor T�Pal, a rising star in the ranks of the Council. She
was appointed in 2407 to replace T�Seli and has recently been appointed to
head the Federation Judiciary Council. Let�s hear what they have to say.�

A Bolian male stepped forward and clapped his hands together repeatedly �can
I get some silence please?� Slowly the throng of reporters reduced
themselves to quiet whispers. �Thank You. As you are all aware the
election is fast approaching. Councilors Aniri and T�Pal are here to
announce the opening of nominations and will answer any questions you all
have.� He turned his head and nodded before taking a step back. He was
replaced by Aniri.

�Thank you mister Pazar.� Aniri smiled brightly at the crowd of reporters
�I am sure you are all aware of the process but I will outline it and the
expected timeline. For the next week the council will accept potential
nominations, peruse them, and announce all viable candidates. Two weeks
from the date of the announcement the election will occur. Now,

�Iyaru! Gordon Livette, Tyco City Times. I�m curious. Have you any
knowledge of President Catherine Bedford intentions to run? Recent polls
suggest that the president�s approval rating is at a historic low and with
the borg crisis and continuing catastrophe of ballooning piracy along the
border planets it is believe by some that the President will forgo
attempting to win a second term.�

�Mister Livette how nice to see you, but, you of all people should know that
Andorians are not mind readers. I have not been made aware of any of the
President�s intentions nor am I the person to comment on them. Next?�

�Councilor Aniri, Brek Nil of the Trill Seeker. Some people have lamented
about the timing of the current election. The Federation just finished a
long and difficult war against the Second Dominion one year ago and with the
recent borg incursion many have wondered if now is the best time to change
leadership. What would you say to those people as a representative of the

�Interesting question.� Iyaru�s smile became slightly more rigid �the
Federation is a democracy. No matter how difficult the time is its
principles must be upheld. The people of the Federation deserve to have
their voices heard, especially in these difficult times.� Iyaru turned her
head to look at T�Pal �as everyone is aware the Federation Judiciary Council
is primarily responsible for vetting nominations. I will now give the floor
to my counterpart, Councilor T�Pal of Vulcan. Who will explain that

After a brief, nearly indiscernible nod towards her esteemed colleague, the
stately Vulcan moved up to the podium, long and heavy robes flowing
elegantly about her tall figure.
Calm, sapphire eyes in a face that had once been like polished marble and
even now barely hinted at the woman�s true age by the mere shadow of lines,
wandered over the assembled journalists.
When T�Pal spoke, it was in her usual pleasant and level mezzo-soprano.

�There is no one criteria which will set apart the successfully submitted
petition from the unsuccessful one.� the silver haired lady with the
elaborate hairstyle of a Vulcan matriarch began, as usual not bothering with
illogical preliminaries.
�It is for this very reason that nominations are brought forth anonymously,
that the council may review them without prejudice, and without the need to
follow established parameters. As my esteemed colleague has correctly
pointed out, the Federation is a Democracy and as such must grant every
voice an opportunity to be heard.�
She paused for another glance at the upturned faces, noticing a furiously
scribbling humanoid. Paper? How interesting.
�It falls to the Judiciary council to uphold the necessary measure of
impartiality, and to observe closely that not one candidate may be deemed
unsuitable on grounds of wishing to favor the more experienced, the most
popular, or other criteria which may not guarantee that the candidate is
indeed the best suited for the office of President.�

The frantically waving Trill got no stronger reaction than a fractionally
inclined head, but he took it as a cue to pose his question. �So you�re
saying, madam, that any farmer from the outbacks of Federation Space can run
for office and you�ll consider him with the same seriousness as a seasoned
council veteran? I find that a bit difficult to believe.�

�And yet it is so.� T�Pal�s perfectly measured Federation Standard
nonetheless held just the smallest melody of the fluid, lilting language of
her home, adding a measure of ceremony to nearly everything she said.
�It is the spirit of the law which must be upheld with the same vigilance as
it�s letters. Equality cannot mean equality among certain groups. It must be
among all, or it becomes meaningless. To disregard the farmer of your
example in favor of the councilor would not only be violating the law, it
would be illogical. The farmer may not know how to negotiate an agreement
between nations, but she may know how to negotiate the much more pressing
matter of sharing information with others regarding healthy crops, and may
well know the value of standing with one�s unfortunate peer who has suffered
a disappointing harvest.�

Another long, calm gaze across the room and T�Pal nodded. It was her
preference if no further questions were raised. It meant her explanation had
�The process is such that the council weighs every candidate on base of
merit and the consideration whether the individual will be able to not only
fill the position, but establish oneself as an effective leader. Once the
most suitable applications are selected, the council may veto any of those,
or question any rejection and present their case for doing so. Only once
every application has been approved, will the final list of candidates be

There were no more questions, although there definitely were hopeful glances
in the Andorian�s direction. Raising her hand in salute, T�Pal acknowledged
that they were satisfied thus far, and relinquished her place at the podium
with the same swift grace with which she had claimed it.

Iyaru gave her counterpart an envious look. If she could only be so swift
towards the media! She nodded to the Bolian who took over the podium as the
two Councilors departed through the same side entrance they had entered.
The reporters frantically shouted questions at them but they were succinctly
ignored. The Bolian raised both his hands �please everyone- some order in

�Well there you have it everyone.� The camera refocused on Hadrin �as you
heard from Iyaru Aniri and T�Pal, the elections will be underway next week
with announcement of the candidates. We already have a preliminary list of
contenders. It is widely believe that Catherine Bedford will run for
reelection, sources inside her cabinet have confirmed to us that is her
intention. Her opponents will likely be Velim Kaznali, current Councilor
from Zakdorn. He has made it little secret that he intends to run for
president this election. President Ahel Barat of Bolias, he has also made
it public that he intends to run. Another potential candidate is Alazera
Prim of Trill but she has made no official announcement and her staff
members are being tight lipped.�

�Those are the most likely candidates Hal, but are there others?� One the
senior FNN reporters asked Hadrin.

�Yes there are, they are some dark horses though. Some names in Starfleet
have been branded about such as Morgana Kanryth who�s currently on a
farewell tour of the Alphosa Sector. It has been widely reported that she
intends to retire this year. Another one is Admiral Cerywyn on Starbase
Versailles- some have mentioned her name but as far as we can tell from our
sources in Starfleet the Admiral has little interest in the election.
Harold Malone has also been mentioned but his close proximity to President
Bedford makes that an unlikely possibility.�

�Thank you for your report Hadrin. In other news there has been recent
unrest in the-�

[Transmission Ended]

Iyaru Aniri [NPC]
Federation Councilor

T�Pal [NPC]
Federation Councilor